Spiritual Awareness

Each of the five senses has the ability to offer us spiritual awareness.
Often in our frantic lives, we remain too distracted to notice the

intricacy and the exquisiteness of the world around us.

When we tune in to our senses and engage with
our inner responses we enhance our awareness of the world.

This mindful awareness can help us find the true source
of our happiness and bring a deeper resonance to our lives.

The YogaDham range of products seeks to evoke all of the senses.
Let every scent, feel, taste, sight and sound invite you into the moment.

We are a team of like- minded people with a shared vision to bring
forward mindfulness through each of our products. All of our vendors
are committed to ensuring that our products as well as the production
processes meets legal and ethical standards.

We proudly source our products from suppliers who are registered with
the Fair Labor Association – a collaborative effort of socially responsible
companies, colleges and universities, and civil society organizations to
improve working conditions in factories around the world.